Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Recreating Cameras and Lights in Maya

Original Picture


Different Angle

This project is harder than I imaging... I attempted to create another picture with color light, but it doesn't come out successful. I posted it here anyways. My problem is I don't know which type of lighting will produce a soft glow like in the original picture. I tried all different kind of lighting, but it still doesn't come out right. 

Original Picture


45 degree angle

Monday, November 5, 2012

Outline for the Second Term Paper

Science Fact of Cinematic Fiction ?

I.                    Introduction
- Newton’s law of universal Gravity
- How gravity and  air resistance affect the way objects fall in reality
- General rules, heavier objects should fall down faster than lighter object due to air resistance.
-The three movies contain cinematic scene that incorrectly illustrate the law of falling objects due to gravity.

II.                  The Incredibles
- The explosion
- Helen stretched her body to create a parachute for her kids
- They flew down and fall softly into the ocean
-One big and heavy piece of metal fell down on top of them several seconds after they landed while it would have fall down before them due to its mass.
III.                Tangled
-Max the horse and Flynn Rider both fell down the cliff
-Max reached the ground first while he was a lot heavier than Flynn

IV.                Crank
-The two men fell down from the airplane at the same time, fighting each other
-They appeared to have the same mass
-One of the men killed the other and then started to fall down faster than the death man.

V.                  Conclusion
- It’s interesting to be able to distinguish between fact and fiction in the movies.
- The law of gravity
- How objects or characters fall is often being exaggerated or bended in the movie because it may make the scene more entertaining and excited.